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When you search for specific information concernig Hellenic Air Force then the books should be your guide. Bibliography related to Hellenic Air Force counts a lot of books and magazines and a group of them is presented right here.
Click on the image above to purchase the Hellenic Air Force 363 Squadron photo-book.
MIRAGE 2000 "Under the skin" by Eagle Aviation
MIRAGE 2000 "Under the skin" book by Eagle Aviation available now by Discount Hobby Zone ! The mighty delta-winged fighter exposed in all its glory, probably for the first time in history!
The MIRAGE 2000 "Under the skin" book is prepared by modelers for modelers therefore it is probably the most comprehensive photo manual for the world's famous Dassault delta fighter. Ioannis Lekkas and Ilias Gkonis with the help of several contributors-photographers all major Mirage 2000 users around the globe. This is the first publication in the world detailing the French jet down to the last detail including all modern avionics and weapons! 108 pages with more than 500 photos will satisfy the most demanding modeler and reveal the Mirage's secrets to the serious aviation enthusiast always with the guaranteed quality of the UNDER THE SKIN series by Eagle Aviation.
All systems of the venerable Mirage 2000 are pictured down to the last detail, from cockpits to landing gear, from radar to engine, from airframe to weapons. All key variants are covered including the Mirage 2000E, Mirage 2000-5 and Mirage 2000D and –N. From first to last page with more than 500 photos the book describes vividly a series of the delta-shaped aircraft under the service of Hellenic, French, Qatar, United Arab Emirates Air Force.
- Photography: Ioannis Lekkas / Ilias Gkonis
- Publisher: Eagle Aviation (2017)
- Description: 108 full color pages, Soft cover, 240 X 225 mm (500 gr) more than 500 color walk around photos, diagrams. English text and photo captions.
- Purchase: Discount Hobby Zone
To purchase the book please click on the link above or here.
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