When you search for specific information concernig Hellenic Air Force then the books should be your guide. Bibliography related to Hellenic Air Force counts a lot of books and magazines and a group of them is presented right here.


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PostHeaderIcon GREEKS IN FOREIGN COCKPITS by Eagle Aviation

Three years after the publication of the first volume of the ‘GREEKS IN FOREIGN COCKPITS’ book, the second volume is out now by Eagle Aviation and available by Discount Hobby Zone.

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PostHeaderIcon MIRAGE 2000 "Under the skin" by Eagle Aviation

MIRAGE 2000 "Under the skin" book by Eagle Aviation available now by Discount Hobby Zone ! The mighty delta-winged fighter exposed in all its glory, probably for the first time in history!

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PostHeaderIcon Shigeo Koike's "Flying Colors 4" book CONTEST

Win one out of four (4) "Flying Colors 4" books, a kind donation by HobbyLink Japan to our readers! For your participation in the Facebook contest please follow the following simple steps:

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PostHeaderIcon Flying Colors 4: The book with Works Of Shigeo Koike

Shigeo Koike, is world wide known outside of Japan for the package art he has created for Hasegawa's model kits and is fairly considered by aviation enthusiasts as he finest aviation artist in the world today. When the artwork of the most famous aviation artist is published in book format then that is news for sure. We are happy to present you "Flying Colors 4" the with works of Shigeo Koike, published by HobbyLink Japan.

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PostHeaderIcon Super Blue 3 : Aviation Photography book by K. Tokunaga

It happens that a single photograph by "Master" Katsuhiko Tokunaga worths to be mentioned by itself but when a new book is published signed by Katsu then that is indeed big news in the Aviation field. We are glad to present the review of recently published Super Blue 3 Aviation Photography book.

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