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When you search for specific information concernig Hellenic Air Force then the books should be your guide. Bibliography related to Hellenic Air Force counts a lot of books and magazines and a group of them is presented right here.
Click on the image above to purchase the Hellenic Air Force 363 Squadron photo-book.
Silver Wings
When you have to re-view a product, common sence imposes that view has to come first. That happened with us and the book by Harpia Publishing named "Silver Wings". Its full title actually is "Srebrna krila - U službi i zaštiti Hrvatske I Silver Wings - Serving and Protecting Croatia" and is the result of combined effort of two men over the last three years. The first is the most famous aviation photographer Katsuhiko Tokunaga and the other is Heinz Berger president of Harpia Publishing.
The dominant subject of this bilingual (english and croatian) book is the Air Force of newly independent country of Croatia. As known Croatia came of former Yogoslavia division after civil war and as Katsuhiko Tokunaga notes in the preface of the book is a small nation with a population that has strong passion to construct their own homeland.
Tokunaga and Berger managed to fit in 160 pages, 120 photographs and 14 aircraft profiles the structure and the activities of today's Croatian Air Force. The hardcovered book is organised in six chapters : 1.Defenders, 2.Firefighters, 3.Transport Elements, 4.Training Elements, 5.Wings of Storm and 6.Maintenance Elements. After a synoptical reference to main historical events for Croatian Air Force the book depictures with the most elegant photographs the life, work and action of the men and women serving and protecting Croatia. Significant is the reference not only to pilots but to personnel of maintainance squadron too.
Click on the image above to browse the book.
In that point we have to indicate the careful selection of Croatia's beauties that make up the background of nearly artistic style photographs of Katsuhiko Tokunaga. That way the book turns into advertisement not only for the Croatian Air Force but for the country of Croatia in general. Also brilliant for the Aerobatic Team admirers is the prsentation of Krila Oluje (Wings of Storm) which is the Croatian Air Force aerobatic display team that performed its first display with Pilatus PC-9 planes, on 22 July 2004.
In Appendix A you will find the Picture Descriptions. Appendix B is conisted of beautiful high quality aircraft profiles designed by Ugo Crisponi of Aviation Graphic with full Technical Data per aircraft. At last but not least in Appendix C emblems and insignias of Croatian Air Force are presented.
Click on the image above to browse the profiles.
You can visit Harpia Publishing official web-site http://www.harpia-publishing.com/ to view other books that any aviation admirer or aircraft modeller would find interesting and details on how to get them.
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