eBay HAF patches:
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Here you can find several product categories related to Hellenic Air Force and could be generally characterized as Merchandise material. Watches, models, scarfs, keyrings, t-shirts, caps, posters, books, DVDs, helmet bags, stickers, pins etc. Please click on the image below to access all the categories or select a specific category from the menu on the left.
Click on the image above to view Hellenic Air Force Merchandise category.
Hellenic Air Force F-4E AUP Phantom II Poster
The poster was sold during Hellenic Air Force Open Day 2009 in 110 & 117 Combat Wing.
Quantity: Only 500 pieces have been printed (10 for every of 50 years of Phabulous Phantoms). The majority have been given to 117 & 110 Combat Wing personnel. The poster is NOT going to be reprinted. Only a few posters have been left available now.
Information: This poster depictures an upgraded Hellenic Air Force F-4E AUP Phantom II during take-off surrounded by all the related Hellenic Air Force patches. On the top you can read: "50 PHABULOUS YEARS". It was designed and produced on behalf of www.airforce.gr web-site to celebrate the 50 years of the type in service and also give the opportunity to whom wish to contribute and donate the web hosting expenses and man-hours to design, organise and maintain the web-site.
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