Air Force watches is a huge aviation category products with a lot of fans that is why we have selected to be presented separately. Hellenic Air Force customized watches or general Aviation watches will be presented right here.


Click on the image above to view Hellenic Air Force Watches category.




PostHeaderIcon Hellenic Police EC-135 Helicopter watch by Vostok Europe

The Hellenic Police EC-135 helicopter pilots and technicians have received their fine watches by VOSTOK Europe.


PostHeaderIcon 384 Squadron SAR Super Puma watch

Hellenic Air Force 384 Squadron watch

Take a look at this rare official 384 Squadron chronograph. We shall give you information on how to get it as soon as they are available.


PostHeaderIcon Aviator Swiss Made Watches... World Premiere


Η ΒΗΧΟΣ ΩΡΟΛΟΓΙΑ, αντιπρόσωπος των ωρολογίων AVIATOR στην Ελλάδα και Κύπρο και το ΚΟΣΜΗΜΑΤΟΠΩΛΕΙΟ ΒΥΤΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ, παρουσιάζουν σε πρώτη παγκόσμια πρεμίερα, ολόκληρη τη συλλογή AVIATOR SWISS MADE, την Τετάρτη 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2011, στο Κοσμηματοπωλείο ΒΥΤΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ, ΓΟΥΝΑΡΗ 50, Άνω Γλυφάδα. Η εκδήλωση θα πραγματοποιηθεί από τις 19:00 έως τις 22:00 και θα υπάρχει coctktail. Θα κληρωθεί και μία φανέλλα της Εθνικής Ομάδας ποδοσφαίρου με τις υπογραφές των ποδοσφαιριστών της ομάδας. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες παρακαλούμε κάντε κλικ στην παραπάνω εικόνα. ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑ: 210-6753701, 210-623355

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PostHeaderIcon Hellenic Air Force 384 SAR official diver's watch by VOSTOK Europe


The helicopter rescue divers/swimmers serving with Hellenic Air Force 384 Search & Rescue Squadron (SAR) and Super Puma helicopters are happy to wear their new ANCHAR watches created by VOSTOK Europe. These beautiful watches are really collecatble since numbered from 1 up to 100 and come inside a black resistant suitcase. Click on the image to read more on the watch itself and information on how to get it one into your collection...

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PostHeaderIcon Breitling Jet Team Demonstration in Greece

Read information about the demonstration that will take place in Greece on Saturday October 15th. The text comes in greek language.


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