Squadron Prints Ltd. since 1977 has been producing aircraft profile prints and lithographs for the world's greatest squadrons so most probably you have seen some of their fine artwork on some wall of your Squadron. We were lucky and had the honor to check some of their stuff that except lithographs also include patches, lanyards, keyrings, mugs, hats, tshirts and other products of great quality but let us introduce you to Squadron Prints' world.
Year after year Squadron Prints proudly honours the World's Armed Forces with high quality artwork to produce a print that can be a treasured gift when signed by fellow colleagues or an enthusiast's special memory whether signed by a member of armed forces or the enjoyment of a specific Squadron or aircraft. Squadron Prints are a well known and highly acclaimed series of aircraft and ship lithographic prints, are recognised as the definitive form of orthographic aviation art. With over 2000 different subjects, Squadron Prints Ltd. is, by far, the undisputed leader in this field of aviation art and the one to which all discerning customers aspire.
Just a sample of Squadron Prints fine artwork.Please click on the image above to access the full list of their lithographs.
If you wonder how really a lithograph is prepared and the steps followe in order to be delivered to the Squadron please check the video below prepared by Berry Vissers who is the resposnsible for this marvellous Aviation Art. It is a 43 seconds a Hong Kong Government Flying Service Super Puma (Print#940) from white screen until the final touch as delivered to the customer.
Video of step by step lithograph's layers design.
If you wonder Squadron Prints has produced several Hellenic Air Force related lithographs and we soon expect some more to come. If you click on the image below you can browse the official lithographs of 347 Squadron and newly establised 335 Squadron. Amongst them you can also order some limited and extremely collectable lithographs signed by hand of greek pilots. Pieces of great value that would look great framed on your wall.
A series of Hellenic Air Force designs prepared by Berry Vissers on behalf of Squadron Prints.
Of course Squadron Prints designs anp roduces a variety of product so if you represent a Squadron then you can definitely contact them in order to organize your boutique. With over 2000 different subjects they are of the leaders in this field of aviation art and the ones to which all discerning customers aspire.The passion for excellence has now evolved, not only in to the world of embroidered patches, key fobs, airshow brochures, aviation books and collectables but to that of high quality photography. Squadron Prints supplies a top quality product along with a highly competitive price. Although our origin their is in the United Kingdom, they now have an office in the United States of America to further enhance their top quality service there.
But let us see how you can order and what exactly you can find in the categories that follow:
Each edition features a specific aircraft showing it in minute accurate detail and is accompanied by unit patches and history. Squadron Prints works on a commission only basis with a minimum initial order of 200 copies. They have worked with famous Squadrons, Companies and Airshows from around the World so far and have supplied The Red Arrows, Thunderbirds and The Blue Angels. Once the artwork has been created, you can use this on your business cards, post cards and other printed matter. They will happy to send you an actual example of our work. Your aircraft could feature in this series too. Their artwork illustrates a specific aircraft "as seen" on a given date showing all its individual marks, stains, weathering, etc. and their hallmark is accuracy in every aspect. The standard format utilises an orthographic projection (or "true" side view) and usually shows the port or left-hand side although helicopters are generally shown from the starboard side.To be enabled to produce the original, highly detailed artwork they prefer to see the actual subject, but failing this, they can work from photographs too. A pdf file will be send out to you with an explanation of how to take the best possible photographs for that reason. In addition to the aircraft information they also require a copy of the badge or patch and about 350 to 400 words of text covering unit history and/or facts on the aircraft. The text doesn't have to be in English. They can set all languages, including Arabic. Their highly trained artist will prepare the artwork and once this is complete, he will design the layout of your Squadron Print. Proofing will be done by e-mail, or by Epson proofs via Royal Mail. They will only start the printing process when you are 100% satisfied with the artwork, layout and text. High quality lithographic colour printing is an expensive process and the initiation costs for setting up such work are quite considerable. They would therefore suggest that, wherever possible, initial orders should be for at least 200 copies to help spread these costs and keep the unit price to the minimum. The finished product is, however, a form of art and should be treated and sold as such. Please contact them also if smaller quantities are required.
At Squadron Prints they are proud to supply high quality, custom made embroidered patches with a minimum first order of only 25 pieces. They also supply keyfobs and hand embroidered Gold Wire Badges. They are happy to help source other items that you may require from wristbands to lanyards, badges to paperclips – please just ask!
Orders can be just one mug or enough to supply a Squadron Tea Bar with individual names! Printed in full colour these white ceramic mugs are dishwasher and microwave safe but like all ceramic products, care should be taken on the outside skin to prevent scratches etc. Mugs are 11 Oz and the Beer Steins are 17 Oz.
A professional, quiet, approach has seen huge success in air-to-air photography. Their stunning photographs regularly grace the front covers of books and magazines and feature frequently with articles in aerospace publications and promotional material. Squadron Prints produces books, as well as airshow magazines and brochures, posters, flyers and DVD/CD/Video covers. For more information please visit: www.aeroimage.co.uk
For you order as individual aviation enthousiast please visit www.squadronprints.com. If your Squadron wishes to order an official lithograph or other products as explained above please feel free to contact Squadron Prints here:
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Squadron Prints Ltd. P.O. Box 1977 Arbroath, Angus Scotland, DD11 2WW Tel: +44 (0)1241 437555 Fax: +44 (0)1241 437666 e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Squadron Prints USA117 N Broadway GeorgetownKY 40324 Tel: +1 502 3164532 Fax: +1 480 2753334 e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
If you are more familiar with ebay listings then you can purchase easily your own Squadron Prints products directly by clicking and browsing here: